School of Rock Charts Downloads | Guitar, Bass, Keyboard, Drums, and more | Sheet Music Direct
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School of Rock Charts

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Download School of Rock Charts and Sheet Music

Welcome to Sheet Music Direct, School of Rock's preferred source for all of your sheet music needs. Explore over a million pages of premium sheet music, tabs and transcriptions for all your favorite songs, including exclusive School of Rock charts for guitar, bass, voice, drums and keyboard. Download charts instantly to access on any device or print from home.

For those looking to play a wide range of songs from rock, pop, movies/TV, jazz and more, for a low monthly/yearly price, the best way to use Sheet Music Direct is with a PASS subscription. Thousands of musicians around the globe use PASS every day to play new charts and hone their craft. Subscribers get unlimited online access to over 100,000 popular charts—including all School of Rock charts—plus 50% off all prints and downloads. All for less than $10 a month. Try PASS today.

Sheet Music Direct is powered by Hal Leonard, the world’s largest sheet music publisher.

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