Intermediate Etudes for Solo Viola, Volume I by Mary Jane Lang Sheet Music for Viola Solo at Sheet Music Direct
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Intermediate Etudes for Solo Viola, Volume I Digital Sheet Music
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Intermediate Etudes for Solo Viola, Volume Iby Mary Jane Lang Viola Solo - Digital Sheet Music

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Product Description

These Etudes fill a need which is critical. Most Etudes and instruction materials of this type are either very easy for beginners, or very difficult, without sufficient study materials in between. The composer has many years of private and group teaching experience and has applied this knowledge to help solve this problem These etudes (Volume I) start with the Key of C and go to three sharps and then three flats, major and relative minor keys. Bowing and fingering styles vary with each etude and they are written to be melodic and musically pleasing, as well as educational.

This product was created by a member of ArrangeMe, Hal Leonard's global self-publishing community of independent composers, arrangers, and songwriters. ArrangeMe allows for the publication of unique arrangements of both popular titles and original compositions from a wide variety of voices and backgrounds.