House of the Rising Sun (in multiple keys) (arr. Mark Huxhold) by Traditional Sheet Music for Lead Sheet / Fake Book at Sheet Music Direct
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House of the Rising Sun (in multiple keys) (arr. Mark Huxhold) Digital Sheet Music
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House of the Rising Sun (in multiple keys) (arr. Mark Huxhold)by Traditional Lead Sheet / Fake Book - Digital Sheet Music

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Product Details

Product Description

Gig worthy! Made for the working or aspiring jazz professional, lead sheets from Mark Wayne Music, LLC are ideal for use on gigs. The lead sheets are free of eye clutter and can easily be read at a glance. All songs up to 40 measures in length are on 1 page with repeats and endings being avoided whenever possible. Other features include:

18 pt font for chord symbols - clef (treble) and key signature on the first line only 

4 measure phrase per line - melody written in simple rhythms (the player is left to swing it) 

Left bar lines -heavy left bar lines that infer the song form (AABA-heavy bar line at B and last A,   ABAC-heavy bar line at second A)

Primary sources consulted and current performance practices considered for the arrangement

Common performance keys included with each title, each key having its own page.

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This product was created by a member of ArrangeMe, Hal Leonard's global self-publishing community of independent composers, arrangers, and songwriters. ArrangeMe allows for the publication of unique arrangements of both popular titles and original compositions from a wide variety of voices and backgrounds.