The Worst One Ever by Gary D.Belshaw Sheet Music for Piano, Vocal & Guitar Chords at Sheet Music Direct
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The Worst One Ever Digital Sheet Music
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The Worst One Everby Gary D.Belshaw Piano, Vocal & Guitar Chords - Digital Sheet Music

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Product Description

Please Note: a separate edition of this work is available in 4-copy format, one for each character and one more for the accompanist.

60 pages. Duration 10 minutes. Formatted for 2-sided printing.

This hilarious 10-minute one-act comic opera has been enjoyed by collegiate opera scenes audiences from Washington State to Maine, and from Michigan to Texas. Written for three sopranos, it is perfect for opera companies needing more roles for women. Cell phones, laptop computers, online grades, and Facebook all figure into the libretto. Direct the cast to "ACT" totally absorbed with social media when not singing!

Synopsis. The opera takes place in a room or lobby of a university Residence Hall. Three coeds are intently focused on their electronic devices, each one stressed about the worst teacher, boyfriend, or parent.

  1. Stephanie is seated on a bed, her laptop computer open. She is awaiting an online posting of grades from one particular professor.
  2. Jennifer is at the desk speaking sotto voce on her cell phone. She is not too thrilled with plans her boyfriend has made for them.
  3. Jessica is snugly tucked into the office chair, texting.  She is trying to get her father to clear her for a weekend concert trip with friends.
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This product was created by a member of ArrangeMe, Hal Leonard's global self-publishing community of independent composers, arrangers, and songwriters. ArrangeMe allows for the publication of unique arrangements of both popular titles and original compositions from a wide variety of voices and backgrounds.