Triskel (Orff Instruments & Chamber Orchestra) - Score Only by Rudesindo Soutelo Sheet Music for Chamber Group at Sheet Music Direct
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Triskel (Orff Instruments & Chamber Orchestra) - Score Only Digital Sheet Music
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Triskel (Orff Instruments & Chamber Orchestra) - Score Onlyby Rudesindo Soutelo Chamber Orchestra - Digital Sheet Music

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Product Description

Ao Grupo Instrumental da EB de V.P. de Âncora e à Orquestra ARTEAM

Rudesindo Soutelo:
(2023) for Orff Instruments and Chamber Orchestra [ca. 7'42"]
O eixo do mundo / The axis of the world

Première: 16-V-2023. Teatro dos Bombeiros de Vila Praia de Âncora (Portugal). Int.: Grupo Instrumental Orff da EB de V.P. de Âncora (Prof. Manuela Moura) e Orquestra ARTEAM de Viana do Castelo. Dir.: Diogo Costa.
ISWC: T-315.743.482-3
ISMN: 979-0-707704-10-3
Páginas de amostra / Sample pages:


The Triskel is present in many ancient cultures but it is in the Celtic culture where it has acquired a greater prominence. It represents the power of the Sun, the axis of the world, the original matrix. It is an allegory of the number 3; of the past, present and future; of the Christian Trinity. It evokes the 
dierences in the unity of the great whole, the Universe.
The work was originally composed to integrate an Instrumental Group Or (Glockenspiel Soprano and Alto, Metallophones and Xylophones Soprano, Alto and Bass), from the General Elementary School, as soloists in a Chamber Orchestra. 
The organising complex of the work is [4 (2, 2), 3 (2, 1)].
There is, also, an edition for Marimba and Chamber Orchestra.


O Triskel está presente em muitas culturas antigas, mas é na cultura celta onde adquiriu um maior relevo. Representa o poder do Sol, o eixo do mundo, a matriz original. É uma alegoria do número 3; do passado, presente e futuro; da Trindade cristã. Evoca as diferenças na unidade do grande todo, o Universo.
A obra foi composta originalmente para integrar um Grupo Instrumental Or (Glockenspiel Soprano e Alto, Metalofones e Xilofones Soprano, Alto e Baixo), do Ensino Básico geral, como solistas de uma Orquestra de Câmara. 
O complexo organizador da obra é [4 (2, 2), 3 (2, 1)].
Existe, ainda, uma edição para Marimba e Orquestra de Câmara.

This product was created by a member of ArrangeMe, Hal Leonard's global self-publishing community of independent composers, arrangers, and songwriters. ArrangeMe allows for the publication of unique arrangements of both popular titles and original compositions from a wide variety of voices and backgrounds.