Triad Chord Worksheet by Brian Streckfus Sheet Music for Educational Exercises at Sheet Music Direct
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Triad Chord Worksheetby Brian Streckfus Educational Exercises - Digital Sheet Music

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Product Details

Product Description

Pages: 6 (84 chords to name)


As with many of my theory worksheets, I don't want to bore people, or send them too far down an impractical, pedantic, and abstract rabbit hole of music theory. Instead, everything is playable on guitar, and this system of learning chords is by far the most efficient in the long run. 

Asking the question, "how to all major 7th chords work?" is a much more important question than "How do I play Bbmaj7?", especially if your in music for the long run. That "keyless" efficiency is what underpins all six worksheets. 

Also, this mindset helps in composing, because instead of seeing things as "wrong" chord versus "correct" chord, you simply see it as every harmony has a name.

1. You start counting from 0 for this exercise if that makes any sense. Avoid the common "fence post error" by overcounting by 1. Other times you start counting from 1 in music is when talking about scale degrees. What is the distance from C to E? C(0) C#(1) D(2) D#(3) E(4).
2. Use the chromatic scale at the top to help in counting.
3. E# = F...Fb = E...B# = C...Cb = B...In otherwords, don't let strange enharmonics confuse you. Picture the black key sometimes missing between white keys on a piano in your mind if it helps. 
4. Even though enharmonics like E# can seem confusing, they can actually add clarity sometimes because they cause the chord to "stack" perfectly in the sheet music and letter names. A# C# E#...versus...A# C# F...Sure, F is easier to understand in a part, but it actually makes the harmony harder to understand because not it looks like it isn't 3rds, even though it is.
5. I recommend building the chords yourself by simply knowing letter names well on guitar. The next time something asks for "G major", don't just play a common voicing, actually find G B D randomly on the guitar neck. 
6. Often the fifth of a chord is removed since it is the least important to invoking the flavor of the chord. This is especially true on guitar because we quickly run out of fingers and strings.
7. The nature of the piano lends pianists to constantly seeing these distances clearly. Conversely, guitar is a very murky instrument since the "real" distances of pitches is counterintuitive to arbitrary (usually) fret numbers! That is why many guitarists would benefit from thinking this way. Page 6 is chord built on one string on guitar intetionally for this reason of clearly seeing the distances and having fret numbers actually have "true" music theory meaning. The half step distances required for chords will make much more sense this way.

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