Product Description
large-scale, cyclic composition, the Sonata for violin and piano in F
major (2018) shares the overall structure of the Cello Sonata and the
mostly lyrical mood of that work and of the Piano Trio, with additional
melodic emphasis.
The impassioned first movement (Allegro) is in sonata form, with
its universally proven esthetic principle, while the following wild
"scherzo" (Presto appassionato), with harmonically varied reprises, alludes to Liszt's strange
piece "Trübe Wolken" ("Grey Clouds") and, despite its frantic and dark
mood, relies heavily on counterpoint, makes subtle use of a twelve tone
row, and has a slow and humble central Trio. The Finale, preceded by an
ample, almost improvisational, nostalgic slow introduction (Adagio molto e mesto), is a
soothingly melodious rondo (Allegretto cantabile) with varied reprises, subtly transfiguring
its coda imbued with loneliness. Total duration: 35 min.
The mp3 audio clip is a recording of the second movement. Performing Rights Organization: SOCAN.
This product was created by a member of ArrangeMe, Hal Leonard's global self-publishing community of independent composers, arrangers, and songwriters. ArrangeMe allows for the publication of unique arrangements of both popular titles and original compositions from a wide variety of voices and backgrounds.