Reach and Soar, a sacred hymn by Kevin G. Pace (ASCAP), Mark R. Fotheringham Sheet Music for SATB Choir at Sheet Music Direct
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Reach and Soar, a sacred hymn Digital Sheet Music
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Reach and Soar, a sacred hymnby Kevin G. Pace (ASCAP), Mark R. Fotheringham SATB Choir - Digital Sheet Music

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Product Description

A beautiful, sacred hymn with music by Kevin G. Pace and text by Mark R. Fotheringham.

As a flower blooms in Spring, reaching for the light,
So a soul can bloom with joy when reaching for the right.
Cultivate us by Thy Word, sinful weeds to quell,
Planting faith within our hearts that Christ has conquered hell.

As the eagle soars aloft lost in joyful flight,
So the soul can soar with joy on learning truth and light.
With Thy Words to be our wing, lift us with Thy breath.
Never need we fear to fly, for Christ has conquered death.

Just as waters clean and pure flow from mountain springs,
Praises from Thy people flow as ev'ry heart now sings.
Jesus paid the price of sin, suffering the more
That His children now could live to reach and then to soar.

This product was created by a member of ArrangeMe, Hal Leonard's global self-publishing community of independent composers, arrangers, and songwriters. ArrangeMe allows for the publication of unique arrangements of both popular titles and original compositions from a wide variety of voices and backgrounds.