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John Keats partitions

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Montrant 1 à 12 de 12 résultats

Vous avez sélectionné:
Titre Artiste Arrangement Format Prix
The Sun's Great Eye (for baritone and piano) Philip Cashian Piano et Chant
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Shed No Tear John Keats Choeur SSA
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And She Forgot the Stars (from Bright Star: A Song Cycle on Poems by John Keats) Nicola Jane Buttigieg Vocal solo
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Bright Star (from Bright Star: A Song Cycle on Poems by John Keats) Nicola Jane Buttigieg Vocal solo
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The Human Seasons - for SSAATTBB choir (text by John Keats) Samuel Stokes, John Keats Choeur SATB
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John Keats Soprano and Piano Joshua Layne Vocal solo
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Lady in the Meads (from Bright Star: A Song Cycle on Poems by John Keats) Nicola Jane Buttigieg Vocal solo
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Not Born for Death, Immortal Bird! (from Bright Star: A Song Cycle on Poems by John Keats) Nicola Jane Buttigieg Vocal solo
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They Glide, Like Phantoms (from Bright Star: A Song Cycle on Poems by John Keats) Nicola Jane Buttigieg Vocal solo
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To Autumn - a setting of John Keats Ode To Autumn David F Wainwright Vocal solo
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To Sleep (from Bright Star: A Song Cycle on Poems by John Keats) Nicola Jane Buttigieg Vocal solo
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Upon a Time, Before the Faery Broods (from Bright Star: A Song Cycle on Poems by John Keats) Nicola Jane Buttigieg Vocal solo
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