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Pavane Publishing sheet music

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You have selected: Choral
Title Artist Arrangement Format Price
Hold Me, Rock Me Brian Tate SAB Choir
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Galop Ken Berg Unison Choir
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Thula Klizeo Leanne Macdonnell 2-Part Choir
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Ave Maria J. Edmund Hughes SAB Choir
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Ajde Jano Tina Harrington SATB Choir
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Anadyomene (from Impressions - Reflections On Humanity) Kevin Memley Choir Instrumental Pak
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Mahalo Piha (A Medley of "The Queen's Jubilee" and "Aloha 'Oe") Justin Ka'upu SATB Choir
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Bring Me Little Water Sylvie Huddie Ledbetter SSA Choir
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Connected Brian Tate SAB Choir
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Down To The River To Pray (with Bring Me Little Water, Silvy) (arr. Jennaya Robison) Huddie Ledbetter SATB Choir
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Connected Brian Tate SATB Choir
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Dawn and Dusk (Fajar dan Senja) Ken Steven SATB Choir
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Thula Mama Brian Tate SSA Choir
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Galop Ken Berg SATB Choir
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Irish Blessing Graeme Langager SSA Choir
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Bring Me Little Water, Sylvie (arr. Robert Jones) Huddie Ledbetter SAB Choir
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She Lingers On Zanaida Robles SSA Choir
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Sing Your Song Matthew Emery SATB Choir
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Bring Me little Water, Sylvie Robert Jones SATB Choir
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Doraji Yoojin Muhn SSA Choir
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I Want To Walk As A Child Of The Light (arr. Tom Trenney) Kathleen Thomerson SATB Choir
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Rosas Pandan George G. Hernandez SSAA Choir
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Canto de Pilon Cristian Grases 2-Part Choir
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Christmas Time Is Here John Alexander SATB Choir
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Connected Brain Tate SSAA Choir
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