Be Strong in the Lord (SA/2-Part) Piano Accompaniment Track by Carol Troutman Wiggins [ASCAP] Digital Audio for Accompaniment Audio at Sheet Music Direct
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Be Strong in the Lord (SA/2-Part) Piano Accompaniment Trackby Carol Troutman Wiggins [ASCAP] Accompaniment Audio - MP3

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Product Description

BE STRONG IN THE LORD Piano Track                                                                                                                                  SA/2-Part Mixed or Equal Voices

"Be strong in the Lord and the power of His might . . . put on the armor of God and fight!" This canon-style song from Ephesians 6 is majestic and ready for battle!

Excellent for upper elementary & up and any church choir

Canon-style song

Intermediate level accompaniment with staccatos & accents

Chords included for additional instruments

This product was created by a member of ArrangeMe, Hal Leonard's global self-publishing community of independent composers, arrangers, and songwriters. ArrangeMe allows for the publication of unique arrangements of both popular titles and original compositions from a wide variety of voices and backgrounds.