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Titel Künstler Arrangement Format Preis
Ashokan Farewell (Grade 3, B2, from the ABRSM Violin Syllabus from 2024) Jay Ungar Violine solo
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Railroad Blues (Grade 2, list C1, from the ABRSM Piano Syllabus 2023 & 2024) David Blackwell Klavier solo
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Muss i denn (Grade 1, list A3, from the ABRSM Piano Syllabus 2025 & 2026) David Blackwell Klavier solo
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Allegro (from Concerto in E, Op.8 No.1) (Grade 3 A3 from the ABRSM Saxophone syllabus from 2022) Antonio Vivaldi Altsaxophon solo
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Toreador Song (Grade 6, A3, from the ABRSM Violin Syllabus from 2024) Georges Bizet Violine solo
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Kuckuck, Kuckuck, ruft's aus dem Wald (Grade Initial, C3, from the ABRSM Violin Syllabus from 2024) Trad. German Violine solo
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Down by the salley gardens (Grade 1, list B3, from the ABRSM Piano Syllabus 2021 & 2022) Trad. Irish Klavier solo
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Parson's Farewell (Grade 1, list A3, from the ABRSM Piano Syllabus 2021 & 2022) Trad. English Klavier solo
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Jupiter (from The Planets, Op. 32) (Grade 2 List B1 from the ABRSM Saxophone syllabus from 2022) Gustav Holst Altsaxophon solo
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This old man (Grade Initial, list A3, from the ABRSM Piano Syllabus 2021 & 2022) Trad. English Klavier solo
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I'm Gonna Hire A Wino To Decorate Our Home David Frizzell Klavier, Gesang & Gitarren-Akkorde (Melodie rechte Hand)
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Il mio tesoro (from Don Giovanni) (Grade 3 List A1 from the ABRSM Clarinet syllabus from 2022) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Klarinette solo
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I'm Gonna Hire A Wino To Decorate Our Home David Frizzell Leadsheet / Fake Book
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The St Louis Rag (Grade 3 List C2 from the ABRSM Flute syllabus from 2022) Tom Turpin Flöte solo
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Theme from Berceuse (from Dolly, Op. 56) (Grade 2 List B1 from the ABRSM Flute syllabus from 2022) Gabriel Faure Flöte solo
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Allegro (from Sonata in F, Op.1 No.11) (Grade 4 A2 from the ABRSM Saxophone syllabus from 2022) George Frideric Handel Altsaxophon solo
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The Easy Winners (Grade 1 List C5 from the ABRSM Flute syllabus from 2022) Scott Joplin Flöte solo
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L'éléphant (from Le carnaval des animaux) (Grade 1 C3 from the ABRSM Saxophone syllabus from 2022) Camille Saint-Saens Altsaxophon solo
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The Ragtime Dance (A Stop-Time Two Step) (Grade 5 C1 from the ABRSM Saxophone syllabus from 2022) Scott Joplin Altsaxophon solo
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Après un rêve (from Trois mélodies, Op. 7) (Grade 5 B6, the ABRSM Saxophone syllabus from 2022) Faure Altsaxophon solo
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Deserto è il luogo (Grade 5 List B1 from the ABRSM Clarinet syllabus from 2022) Vincenzo Bellini Klarinette solo
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La Bergamasca (Grade Initial, A1, from the ABRSM Cello Syllabus from 2024) Anon. 16th century Cello solo
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The Miller of Dee (Grade 2 List B2 from the ABRSM Clarinet syllabus from 2022) Trad. English Klarinette solo
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Minuet (from Symphony No. 94) (Grade 1 List A2 from the ABRSM Flute syllabus from 2022) Joseph Haydn Flöte solo
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Rabbit Foot (Grade 3, A3, from the ABRSM Cello Syllabus from 2024) Florence B. Price Cello solo
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